Club project - shop box

Club project - shop box

Friday, 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas to you all!

I haven't done much about miniatures, except for embroidering the oriental rug. Preparations for Christmas with my two boys and work are taking all of my time. Loving it though!  They are both here and so far the eldest has shaved off the beard (yes, that's right the beard). Should I say thank goodness or stay quiet about it? Now it's just a question of getting him to a hairdressers and feeding him properly for a few weeks...

Meanwhile here is an update on the oriental style rug.

The sides are half way and the first branch is complete. The update on the 10th every month on the Yahoo Petitpointers group is keeping me going with the background stitching. There's nothing like a deadline, even if it is self imposed.  I'm still more or less on track for 400 hours of stitching. I'm hoping to finish up to the half way mark by the next Petitpointers update, and who knows I might even do that, because we all have so much time over Christmas, now don't we...  :))

Merry Christmas to you all and thank you for following my blog in 2012!


  1. Have a very Happy Christmas Idske and enjoy the boys - beard or no beard.

  2. Wat jammer van die baard.......hij had Jozef kunnen spelen tijdens de Kerst ;)!
    Je prachtige borduurwerk kost inderdaad veel tijd én geduld. Maar ik vind dat je al een heel eindje op weg bent, ook mooi regelmatig geborduurd.
    Idske, ik wens jouw familie en jou hele fijne gezellige Kerstdagen en een goed en gezond 2013!!
    Lieve groetjes, Ilona

    1. Hi Ilona, er is hier een reklame met een 'caveman' die langzaam wakker wordt (misschien ook wel op de nederlandse TV) en zo zag hij er uit toen hij thuis kwam. Voor Jozef was hij veeeeel te 'scary', de kinderen zouden hard weglopen LOL :))

  3. Your rug is looking wonderful, congratulations on being so patient, don't think I could ever get myself to stitch something with so much background.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy having your boys home with you.

  4. You can absolutely use my pencil tutorial! Hope you enjoy :)

  5. Wow, this rug is absolutely beautiful! You are very talented, and I am lookign forward to seeing it progress. I myself purchase a little tepestry kit to make a fire screen for the dollhouse, but it is still not attempted yet! I will have to try it soon.


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