Club project - shop box

Club project - shop box

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Delft tiles progress?

Today is another minis day, the weather is grim. Flood warnings everywhere! I live on top of a hill and I don't have a cellar, so all I can do is keep my fingers crossed for everyone else.

On Tuesday I got the 6x4 tiles back and a few little dishes, that I really like. The top bowl is for a pestle and mortar, but the pestle is still to be found, that happens when miniatures go in the kiln with 'normal' sized stuff. 

On the photo above the 6x4 basket tiles don't look too bad, but it isn't great, definitely not good enough to put in the kitchen. The main problem is that the glaze has made the paint run on some of the tiles and they don't look part of the whole, if that makes sense.  It can't have been the paint as all was done from one small pot in one session, the only difference being extra water for the shading. I also think the flowers seem to be floating above the basket and the fruit is too small (that's the three blobs in the bottom of the basket) . 

                                          This close up shows the fuzziness a bit better

Why the glaze hasn't worked uniformly is a mystery. All in all, I could do better, so I will paint another one. It will probably be September or October before it can be fired, though.  It also gives me a chance to make the tiles a bit smaller. These are the equivalent of 150x150mm which is the correct size for Delft tiles but they look too big in the 1/12th kitchen. Or maybe 6x4 is too big for my 1/12th kitchen. I feel a bit more 'research' is in order....


  1. Och, wat jammer nou dat het verkeerd is gegaan in de oven, het zag er zo veelbelovend uit. Ik vind het "mislukte" tegelwerk ondanks alles wel wat hebben. Kun je er misschien iets mee doen in een brocante project? Als beschadigd bovenblad van een tafel of in een kastje leggen? Ik zeg zomaar wat. Ik zou het zeker niet weggooien(als je dat al van plan was), er valt genoeg mee te doen.
    Groet, Ilona

  2. Hi Ilona, daar had ik nog totaal niet bij stilgestaan, voorlopig maar in een doosje. Een brocante projectje is wel een idee dat me aanspreekt! Als je er met een ander oog naar kijkt kan het best doorgaan voor antieke tegeltjes... Dank voor je aardige comments!

  3. Idske thanks, for having registered at my blog. I really like your tiles, even if you say you are not perfect.

  4. Research is always good. My initial thought was, Josje has done lots of (miniature-) ceramics. Maybe she can shed a light onto the why and how this flowing out could have occurred? Too bad the next firing is only later in the year, but I'm sure your next flower basket will be better

    And just on the sideline; the envelope says "recycle". So I guess Ilone has got a theme going there??? ;))

    1. Haha, yes that should have told me what to do with it! A 'brocante' project really appeals to me, though.. The ones that have run badly have a much thicker glaze on them and that must have been the way dipped them in the glaze, next time I'll spray them to get a nice even glaze. It's all a learning curve!


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